Forms for your visit
These are forms that you will typically fill out when you are in our office. Feel free to download them and fill them out before your visit to save time when you get to the dentist office. You will need to have the Adobe Reader to view these documents. If you don't have it installed, you can download it here.
This form is where you provide us your medical and dental history so that we can better serve you. Download it here.
Financial Policy and Patient Payment Agreement
This agreement describes our financial policy, payment agreement, and missed, late, and canceled appointments. Download it here.
Our Office Policy Regarding Insurance
This agreement describes our office policy regarding insurance and billing your dental insurance company. Download it here.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
This notice describes how health information about you may be used and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. The privacy of your health information is important to us. Download it here.
This pamphlet provides information on the various types of dental materials, listing advantages and disadvantages for each kind. Download it here.
This is a referral form for other doctors to refer a patient to us. Download it here.